In today’s stock market listing, Eastside Distilling is the top-performing alcoholic beverage company. The data shows that the stock price for Eastside Distilling has surged 5.19% in the past 24-hours. The surge has helped Eastside Distilling achieve a share price worth $1.93. At the time of writing, the market valuation of Eastside Distilling is worth over $20 million. The valuation currently puts Eastside Distilling on the map as the 31st largest alcoholic beverage company.
Radico Khaitan is the second-top performing alcoholic beverage company. The data shows that the stock price for Radico Khaitan has surged 2.75% in the past 24-hours. The surge has helped Radico Khaitan achieve a share price worth $15.86. At the time of writing, the market valuation of Radico Khaitan is worth over $2.10 billion. The valuation puts Radico Khaitan on the map as the 25th largest alcoholic beverage company.
Carlsberg is the third-top performing alcoholic beverage company. The data shows that the stock price for Carlsberg has surged 2.27% in the past 24-hours. The surge has helped Carlsberg achieve a share price worth $178.28. At the time of writing, the market valuation of Carlsberg is worth over $24.53 billion. The valuation puts Carlsberg on the map as the 13th largest alcoholic beverage company.
Tsingtao is the fourth-top performing alcoholic beverage company. The data shows that the stock price for Tsingtao has surged 1.81% in the past 24-hours. The surge has helped Tsingtao achieve a share price worth $16.32. At the time of writing, the market valuation of Tsingtao is worth over $17.80 billion. The valuation puts Tsingtao on the map as the 14th largest alcoholic beverage company.
United Spirits is the fifth-top performing alcoholic beverage company. The data shows that the stock price for United Spirits has surged 1.68% in the past 24-hours. The surge has helped United Spirits achieve a share price worth $12.02. At the time of writing, the market valuation of United Spirits is worth over $8.52 billion. The valuation puts United Spirits on the map as the 19th largest alcoholic beverage company.
Suntory is the sixth-top performing alcoholic beverage company. The data shows that the stock price for Suntory has surged 1.53% in the past 24-hours. The surge has helped Suntory achieve a share price worth $37.44. At the time of writing, the market valuation of Suntory is worth over $11.56 billion. The valuation puts Suntory on the map as the 16th largest alcoholic beverage company.
YANGHE is the seventh-top performing alcoholic beverage company. The data shows that the stock price for YANGHE has surged 1.25% in the past 24-hours. The surge has helped YANGHE achieve a share price worth $27.26. At the time of writing, the market valuation of YANGHE is worth over $41.08 billion. The valuation puts YANGHE on the map as the 9th largest alcoholic beverage company.