The Best 5 Wallets for Staking Solana (SOL) for Rewards

The Best 5 Wallets for Staking Solana (SOL) for Rewards

Solana is one of the top and best performing crypto assets right now, which means it is one of the best options for staking.

There’s rapid development on the network, with developers flocking to it because of the high speed and efficiency as well as low transaction fees. This is why the Solana network has been growing in leaps and bounds, which is likely to continue.

There are many ways to benefit from the network by investing in it. One way is to just buy and hold it, for gains when the price goes up. Another is to stake the native token of the network, SOL. 

This can be easily done using the appropriate wallet. There are quite a number of options to use when it comes to this, but we’ll highlight only the best five wallets you can use in this guide. With these wallets, you can stake within minutes and start earning.

Coinbase Wallet

If you’re a beginner in the staking game, Coinbase wallet is one of the best wallets for staking SOL, especially for beginners. Its simple layout makes it easy for you to navigate with ease and stake hassle-free.

Being a non-custodial wallet, you can stake SOL with it and retain full control of your assets. You can use it on Android devices, both Android and iOS, and unstake your SOL whenever you want since you have the assets right in your wallet.

Because it is connected to Coinbase exchange, you can also transfer assets directly from the exchange to the wallet. The fees however can be on the high side.

Exodus Wallet

Exodus is a leading web3 wallet that can be easily used on mobile devices and a desktop with the aid of a hardware wallet. It supports top operating systems including Android, iOS, Windows, Linux, MacOS etc.

Being available on several devices, you can easily synchronize your use of the wallet across those platforms. You can stake SOL right within the wallet and start earning 6% APY rewards, as well as use SOL to buy and sell NFTs.

There are over 150 other cryptocurrencies supported on the wallet, so you can easily swap the SOL if you want.

Math Wallet

Math is a browser extension wallet that supports over 85 blockchains. You can use it to stake SOL through decentralized applications such as Tulip or Solstake. It is a non-custodial wallet that gives you full custody of your assets when you stake, making it quite a secure wallet.

Apart from the browser extension, you can also access Math Wallet as a web-based wallet, and as a mobile app. You can also connect it to a hardware wallet and use it for other purposes other than staking. 

As with any non-custodial wallet, you can always unstake your SOL whenever you want after staking it.

Atomic Wallet

Phantom is another non-custodial wallet well suited for staking SOL. You can access hundreds of assets from multiple blockchains on this wallet. The wallet is available on mobile devices as well as desktop, and supports all major operating systems.

Staking SOL on Atomic is pretty easy, giving you 7% interest per year through its Android wallet. Since you have full control of your wallet, you can unstake your SOL whenever you want, giving you full control of the entire staking process.

Phantom Wallet

Phantom wallet is also a browser extension wallet that can be easily used to stake SOL and access NFTs. The wallet gives you control of your staked assets, so you can pull out of the process whenever you want.

You can use it with any top web browser, making it easy to access NFTs and access the world of DeFi apps built on the Solana blockchain. Phantom wallet is easy to set up and use, making it ideal for everyone to use. You can also use it with hardware wallets such as Ledger.

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